Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can you Belize it? We're here!

Well, I’m hereJ

We’re safe, and the hurricane did not affect Punta Gorda very much at all.

We rode on a small fifteen passenger plane, and it was the most amazing plane ride I have ever experienced! It was a smooth ride, and I had a nice long chat with a Belize native who told me about the shrimp farms, the culture, the cool places to visit, and the beaches to tan atJ. I am meeting my students tomorrow, and I’m getting up at 5am to take a bus across town to get there.

My house mother, Elena, is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. She has been hosting families for about fifteen years, and she’s an AMAZING cook! I had plans to lose weight here, and thanks to Elena, that’s not going to happen!! J

The internet is a bit slow here, and we will have to go to internet cafes to pay $1 American to use it for an hour—not bad!

This morning, I got up at 5:45, read, cleaned my room, and had a sweet long conversation with Elena over coffee. This woman has faith that can literally move mountains.

After my chitchat with Elena, our Education group went kayaking on the Belize River—it was so nice and warm, and we saw crabs crawling on trees! We an coconoseboys—it’s like a mini cocoanut and you crack the shell, and the inside is sweet like a pear. They grow in clumps like grapes right off the trees. Yum!

I will upload my pictures as soon as possible—AND that won’t happen soon because I brought the wrong charger—oh boo. So hopefully I will order one or just get another camera, because the one I’m using now is dying—no charger/usb chord to upload.

One thing about Belize: You sweat. My clothes are drenched, my neck is drenched, my face is drenched. I am a sweating machine here. Sexy? Nope.

Goals this week: Get a bike, find a guitar, swim at the peer, and send some letters.

I hope you are all doing well, and I miss you:) I really do. Minnesota weather on the other hand--that's a different story;)


  1. Yea!! I'm so glad that you made it. Sounds like your first couple days have been amazing. I'm so glad that you have a good host Mom. That should help relax you a bit.
    Loving the updates!!

  2. Whoop whoop!! I figured out this blogging thing!!

    Very excited for you to meet the kids today! Hope it goes well!

    Cannot wait to hear the stories! :)
